Do not be broken by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness, for the light is you. (L.R. Knost, author, activist) It’s been four years since Major […]
Author: #BDB
The BBC complaints process: A cheat-sheet

Everything you wanted to know about the BBC complaints process in a nutshell. If you feel we’ve missed anything out, please get in touch via the comments form below or email us at When and where must I file? The complaint must be filed within 30 working days after the show airs. Therefore, a […]
Thank you for the music, Bernie Wolfe

(Guest post by Payal. Originally published here.) I am writing this because Bernie Wolfe is dead. Or at least the powers-that-be at Holby City want us to believe that she might be. So, this is not about promiscuous bisexuals, or about dead lesbians (well, it is, but not in that way), or the fact that […]
From here to eternity and back

(Guest post by CPR) About a year ago, I sat anxiously awaiting the demise of Berena. It was advertised that Bernie was returning for a brief visit to Holby and the trailers didn’t hold out too much hope. It had been a joy to see Serena still so in love with Bernie. The smile that […]
The #BerenaForEternity Postcard Campaign

It’s been a year since Bernie Wolfe promised that she’d wait for Serena “for eternity”. It’s been exactly half a year since the exact opposite of that happened, and Bernie and Serena broke up over bins and slippers and swings. Where will Berena be a year from now, or even six months? We don’t know. […]
Let’s talk about Leah Faulkner

(Guest post by Payal Dhar) Yes, we’re really going there. This is not about Serena Campbell, not about Berena. This is just about Leah. And it is important because Holby have a crappy track record of representing women. Leah was brought in as nothing else but eye candy for Serena; she was objectified and used; […]