BBC’s CEO acknowledges our open letter

After almost two months of sustained protests and complaints, there is finally indication that the BBC may be listening. On 12 February 2019, I had emailed Tim Davie, CEO of the BBC, a copy of our open letter with its nearly 300 signatures. Today, 18 February, I received this response:

Dear Payal,

Thank you for your letter. 

I have copied Ralph Lee who leads BBC Studios Productions who can ensure that you get a response to your concerns from the production. 

As CEO, I can confirm that we do read and consider this type of feedback seriously, and welcome your views.  Have no doubt that senior members of the production team will read your open letter.

Thank you for getting in touch.

Best regards,


This letter was also copied to Simon Harper (executive producer, Holby City), Ralph Lee (director of content, BBC Studios Productions) and Martyn Freeman (general counsel for the BBC).

As reported earlier, on 5 February 2019, when Georgina Turner tried to deliver this open letter with its 280 signatures to the powers-that-be at Elstree, she was turned back at the gates, with the guard implying that he had been instructed not to receive anything from her. This was despite advice on handling protests suggesting that a security representative makes themselves available to hear grievances. In fact, the BBC also has no policy of refusing hand-delivered mail at the gates.

Subsequent to this setback, we had mailed—both electronically and otherwise—various officials at the BBC in order to get our voices heard. Mr Davie’s has so far been the only reply. Given the BBC’s sustained denial of our complaints and even suggesting that the offence caused was justified, this is a tiny pinprick of light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

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