Whoever thought we would be doing this again? #BerenaDeservedBetter was born out of anger and rage at a storyline that promised representation and degenerated into… Well, we all saw the result. We thought Berena deserved better than it got. Looking back, we were probably quite bloody-minded about it. It mattered. It still does. We needed […]
The intention to do better

Do not be broken by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness, for the light is you. (L.R. Knost, author, activist) It’s been four years since Major […]
Broken representation and our broken hearts, for eternity

What is left to say, other than my heart is still broken? And a little bit of it even breaks for the loss of Serena – a double loss, the first one 14 months ago when she lost sight of the lion within, and the other on 21 January 2020, when she walked away physically. […]
Long live Bernie Wolfe

Bernie Wolfe is dead. Fans the world over, from the UK to India, Dubai, Canada and New Zealand, are mourning the loss of our Big Macho Army Medic. Major Berenice Griselda Wolfe was truly an international phenomenon. Her first appearance in Holby City was in “Serenity” on February 2, 2016. She left Holby to join […]
Statement: Holby City’s use of the Bury Your Gays trope is condemnable

The BDB Collective and their allies condemn the hospital drama Holby City’s use of the lesbian death trope despite earlier backlash, and the calculated harm caused to an audience particularly at risk of mental health vulnerabilities. We ask that the producers of the show engage with the fans and provide an explanation as to why it was thought necessary to feature this damaging story arc, especially since the character of Bernie Wolfe (played by Jemma Redgrave) had been written out in December 2018.
Thank you for the music, Bernie Wolfe

(Guest post by Payal. Originally published here.) I am writing this because Bernie Wolfe is dead. Or at least the powers-that-be at Holby City want us to believe that she might be. So, this is not about promiscuous bisexuals, or about dead lesbians (well, it is, but not in that way), or the fact that […]